Beliefs & Core Values

The BOOK.  The Word of the LORD, The Bible’s 66 Books of the Old & New Testaments are God-given (Inspiration) & God-kept forever (Preservation).  Hence, The BIBLE is the infallible final authority for life, faith & practice.***

The BLOOD.  The Lord Jesus Christ is Creator, Saviour, Son of God, Jehovah God manifest in flesh!  Because of His great love, He came to shed His precious blood on Calvary’s Cross to make the complete satisfactory payment for all of humanity’s sins. Salvation is only in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. This faith/trust in Jesus Christ Alone results in The spiritual NEW BIRTH. One is made instantaneously a Child of God, by The Power of God, birthed into the Family of God with an everlasting life Salvation & a Home awaiting in Heaven at the moment of death. Hence, to everyone God says, “Ye must be born again” !!!

The BLESSED HOPE: Just like He said, The Lord Jesus Christ will return in 2 distinct phases !  1st Stage is called The Rapture ~ This is the Lord Jesus coming in the air at any moment to catch up & out to Heaven all His SAVED Children.  The 2nd Stage is called The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST when the Son of God, Jesus Jehovah Christ returns, defeating His God-hating, Christ-rejecting enemies, saving Israel’s Remnant. Christ shall touchdown upon the mount of Olives as The KING of kings, & The LORD of lords ending that Great Seven Year Tribulation period that began right after The Rapture; & thereby, sets up His 1,000 year Kingdom of Righteousness & Peace.

The BELOVED: Living & leaving a LEGACY of FAITH  in the Church & in the family involved in the Lord’s Great Gospel Commission.


***Acknowledging God has His Word in other languages, we believe the infallible & complete preserved Word of God for the English speaking peoples is the Authorized King James Version. We shall continue to use it exclusively in all & for all our ministries.      

“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”